25/12/2020: Merry Christmas! The Popular Music page has been updated.
24/12/2020: Updated the Other Anime and Anthems pages.
04/12/2020: Added the Other page though it's still a work in progress.
14/11/2020: Updated the Popular Music page.
20/09/2020: Updated the Popular Music page.
19/09/2020: Added the Popular Music page though it's still a work in progress.
16/08/2020: Updated the Pokemon and Other Anime pages with a few midis that I missed while going through my files.
02/08/2020: Completed the Sailor Moon page and added one midi to the Other Anime page. Anthems page is also now up and completed.
01/08/2020: Completed the Other Anime page and have been slowly updating the Sailor Moon page over the last few weeks.
19/07/2020: Launched!
True to its name, this website is a large archive dedicated to music files in the .mid format, also known as MIDI. I've been collecting MIDI files since 2000 and have hosted similar websites in the past through Freewebs and Geocities; however those sites are long gone. I've always been nostalgic to the old days of personal websites and wanted a special spot where I could keep everything in one place. That is how Lilly's Midi Archive came to be!